社區放映 Community Screening
地點|Venue:塔冷通心靈書舍(油麻地窩打老道20號金輝大廈一樓)|Talentum Bookshop (Rm 106, Kam Fai Building, 20 Waterloo Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon) (Google Map)
主辦團體|Organised by︰國際特赦組織香港分會 | Amnesty International Hong Kong
合辦團體|Co-Organised by:新婦女協進會、天主教正義和平委員會|The Association for the Advancement of Feminism, Justice & Peace Commission of the H.K. Catholic Diocese

映後設有座談討論 | With after-screening discussion
報名電郵 Reservation: hrfilm@amnesty.org.hk
按此進入電影節網站 | Click here to know more about Human Rights Documentary Film Festival
電影簡介| Synopsis
片名|Title︰進撃的日常|Everyday Rebellion
導演:Riahi兄弟/奧地利及瑞士/2014/110分鐘/西班牙語, 波斯語, 阿拉伯語, 俄語及英語對白,中英文字幕
Director: The Riahi Brothers/Austria and Switzerland/2014/110 min/In Spanish, Farsi, Arabisch, Russian, English with Chinese and English subtitles
The Iranian brothers and directors Arash and Arman Riahi know the pains of oppression. Through unyielding lens, they documented the global movement of non-violent protests up close and personal in a span of three years. From Occupy Wall Street to Arab Spring, from the Spanish Indignants to the Ukranian nude feminist activitism, the people have redefined civil disobedience. With the commons and the everyday becoming the new frontiers of resistance, practically no one can stand on the side line. Everyday Rebellion debuted in Hong Kong during Umbrella Movement last year in community screenings at Occupy sites, thanks to people's solidarity efforts in crowdfunding and subtitling.
Awards: Audience award at CPH:DOX 2013 Denmark , Cinema for Peace 2014 – Most Valuable Documentary of the Year.