Please scroll down to see English version 就中國政府在三八國際婦女節前夕,逮捕多名內地女權活動人士,我們深感震驚及痛心。為此,我們發起全球聯署敦促中國政府釋放女權活動家。
Women/sexuality and local groups in Hong Kong express grave concern with the recent arrests by the Beijing authorities of five prominent female activists, including Li Tingting (李婷婷)(also known as Maizi麥子), Wei Tingting (韋婷婷), Wang Man (王曼) in Beijing, Wu Rongrong (武嶸嶸) in Hangzhou, and Zheng Churang (鄭楚然) (also known as Datu) in Guangzhou, but apparently without solid legal ground. We urge the Beijing police to respect the freedom of speech as prescribed in the PRC Constitution, and ensure that the women’s legal procedural rights including rights to meet with lawyers and families, and rights to personal safety are strictly observed. We urge for their immediate release in so far as no sufficient evidence can be found to accuse them of any illegal act.
發起團體 Initiators (歡迎加入,不斷更新中...)
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism (HK)