誰怕手抱書本的女孩?祝褔勇敢女孩馬拉拉 Who's afraid of a girl with a book? Candle light vigil for courageous Malala
來自巴基斯坦西北部的14歲少女馬拉拉 (Malala Yousafzai),因於博客撰文,揭露在塔利班管治斯瓦特地區(Swat District) 時的生活苦況,包括女性被禁止接受教育,並關閉學校。根據巴基斯坦兒童失學情況來估計:在全球小學適齡兒童中,巴基斯坦的失學者佔十分之一。在全國一億六千萬人口中,將近一半的婦女從未上過學。在農村,只有百分之三十五的婦女上過學,由此可見為何馬拉拉雖年僅14歲,仍然積極爭取女性受教育的機會。
馬拉拉除了致函外國傳媒,為巴基斯坦婦女和兒童爭取權益外; 亦抨擊塔利班和美國,不斷發動戰爭衝突對平民犯下暴行。馬拉拉因為發出這些批判而遭到塔利班政權報復:2012年10月9日,她下課後,乘坐校車回家途中遭塔利班武裝分子企圖暗殺,頭部及頸部中槍,一度情況危殆,現轉送到英國接受治療,情況穩定。
Malala Yousafzai, a 14 year-old girl from Western Pakistan, wrote on her blog about the poor living conditions in the Swat District ruled by the Taliban. These include the prohibition against women’s education and the closure of schools. Based on Pakistani children’s school dropout condition, 10% of all primary school dropouts in the world are Pakistani children. The population of Pakistan is around 160 million, with nearly half of all women population never having received education. In rural areas, only 35% of women have received any education at all. It is understandable why Malala strives for women’s educational opportunities despite being only a 14 year-old girl.
Other than contacting foreign media on the rights of women and children, Malala also criticized the Taliban and the United States for never-ending wars which led to violence against the masses. These actions and criticisms of hers led to revenge from the Taliban. On October 9, 2012, she was assassinated by Taliban armed forces on her way home after school. She was shot in her head and neck, causing severe injuries. Now she has been transferred to Britain for medical treatment and her condition is stable.
Malala is only a 14 year-old girl, she described the fact and stated her opinions by peaceful means, using nothing but words. However, this resulted in violent vengeance that resulted in the near loss of her death. We strongly denounce all forms of violence against women, especially violence used to suffocate the voices of women who devote themselves to gender equality.
In light of the above, the Association for the Advancement of Feminism (AAF) held a candlelight vigil on October 19, 2012 at 7pm at the Tsim Sha Tsui Star Ferry Pier.
