2014年2月27日 星期四
2014年2月24日 星期一
《是誰殺了Larry King》Valentine Road 反應熱烈,完滿結束!
《是誰殺了Larry King》講述美國加州一個小鎮的校園,
《是誰殺了Larry King?》讓大家有機會了解歧視的可怕。
《是誰殺了Larry King?》讓大家有機會了解歧視的可怕。

2014年2月21日 星期五
《是誰殺了Larry King?》---香港首映,唯一一場!!
《是誰殺了Larry King?》---香港首映,唯一一場!! 2013邁阿密同志影展最佳紀錄片 2013舊金山國際同志影展最佳紀錄片 2013日舞影展 美國加州一個小鎮的校園,2008年的情人節 一名少年突然被殺,另一名少年被控謀殺 是加害者罪不可赦?還是受害者咎由自取? 日期:2014年2月23日(星期日) 7:30pm 地點:香港科學館 演講廳 《女性電影節》和《人權你/我/她電影節》倘餘少量門票,
2014年2月16日 星期日
2014年2月10日 星期一
One Billion For Rising Justice!
One Billion For Rising Justice
Stand by migrant domestic workers on this Sunday! Come and join any of these 3 events at various locations in Hong Kong and Kowloon on 9 February.
Hong Kong hotel's afternoon-tea promotion for men seen as "sexist"
HONG KONG: Hong Kong's Mandarin Oriental hotel stirred up ridicule on Friday with an afternoon-tea promotion for men based on pork pies and beef rather than dainty snacks "normally preserved for women".
The five-star hotel denied that its marketing campaign for the "Gentlemen's Power Snack" and "Gentlemen's Power Afternoon Tea" was sexist, but a women's rights group heaped scorn on the language used in a press release.
"The afternoon-tea ritual with delicate sandwiches and warm scones is one that is normally preserved for women," the Mandarin's release said.
From March, however, "distinguished men will be able to meet and relax, or secure business deals over two different afternoon teas... which have been created especially for them", it said.
"It is quite silly, as a marketing strategy, to single out certain food and beverage outlets and meals as more suitable to one sex than the other," Annie Chan, chairwoman of the Association for the Advancement of Feminism, told AFP.
She called the connection drawn between scones and women as "laugh-out-loud funny".
"To market bars, roast beef and pork pies as more suited to men is just as ridiculous."
The afternoon tea for gentlemen includes pies, Yorkshire puddings and cigar-shaped chocolates, accompanied by beer or whisky and served in "masculine" settings featuring "leather booths and dark-wood furniture", the hotel statement said.
"There's absolutely no way that we're trying to alienate any group to any area within the hotel," Mandarin Oriental director of communications Nina Colls told AFP.
"It was created with men in mind (but) both male and female can most certainly enjoy the afternoon tea," she said.
The Mandarin Oriental, built in 1963 when Hong Kong was a British colony, is located in the heart of the city's financial district, near the Victoria Harbour.
Its amenities include a traditional men's barber and the Captain's Bar, a well-known haunt of power-lunching businessmen.
- AFP/al
新婦女協進會 30周年重頭戲︰《女性電影節》候補門票開放登記
徇眾要求,現重新開放登記《女性電影節》和《人權你 /我/她電影節》的門票,因名額已滿,大會只提供後 備門票登記,大家要快手http://goo.gl/nh4cEX
“Women’s Film Festival” & “Gender and Human Rights Film Festival” is now re-opened for registration! Only waiting reservations are available. Be quick to register: http://goo.gl/nh4cEX

2014年2月7日 星期五
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