我要無篩選的真普選,中央就落晒閘,一定提委會篩選完候選人完先俾我地選;明明假普選,又話係真,仲歪理連篇,層出不窮;不讓香港人得到真普選不特止,更令此城佈滿歪理,扭曲事實,指鹿為馬,實在令人憤怒非常也!(facebook page見此)我們不禁怒吼:「假普選,選個屁!」然而只憑筆墨實在難以形容此刻心情;我們憤露(怒)了!趁八月十五,我們一人一臀送李飛,然後齊齊放個屁:「假普選,選個屁!」展現我們震怒的心情。
1. 於臀部寫上「假普選,選個屁」或其他反對假普選的標語;然後為自己臀部自拍一張 (考慮到自寫臀部的困難,可以先自拍,後透過PS再加字)
2. 上載上instagram 及facebook, 並加上hashtag: #damnfakevote 以及此intro以作支持
3. 我們會定期收集並下載大家的玉照並上載於此專頁;將大家的憤怒展現於世人 - 當然請大家努力廣傳俾大家like啦!
btw, 如果放屁能透過網結傳送,多好。
Beijing (the PRC central government) has announced a very conservative framework for HK’s ‘universal suffrage’ in the Chief Executive elections in 2017 - no more than three candidates are allowed and they must be approved by more than half of the nominating committee, the composition of which is produced by a ridiculously non-democratic process. This kind of election cannot be called ‘universal suffrage’ but Beijing does call it that (and uses that to fool those blockheads) - what a joke!
However, for non-blockheads like us, it means the REAL universal suffrage that we have been fighting for years will be ‘replaced’ by this fake one, and Beijing can then claim they’ve already given us democracy …..How can this happen?! We are angry and we don’t give a damn about this fake election! Thus we are having this campaign to express our anger towards Beijing, the Hong Kong government and this fake ‘universal suffrage’, with our butts.
So join us and fight for Hong Kong’s Universal Suffrage with our butts! just follow these steps:
1. Write a slogan on your butts (Fake vote? I don’t give a damn!) - Or if that’s too hard to do, use your photo apps to add words to your butt pics
2. Upload it to your instagram and facebook with hashtag #damnfakevote
3. We shall upload your photo to this page regularly - so please ask your friends to like and join!
Let’s say NO to fake vote and show our anger to the autocratic PRC government!
1. 於臀部寫上「假普選,選個屁」或其他反對假普選的標語;然後為自己臀部自拍一張 (考慮到自寫臀部的困難,可以先自拍,後透過PS再加字)
2. 上載上instagram 及facebook, 並加上hashtag: #damnfakevote 以及此intro以作支持
3. 我們會定期收集並下載大家的玉照並上載於此專頁;將大家的憤怒展現於世人 - 當然請大家努力廣傳俾大家like啦!
btw, 如果放屁能透過網結傳送,多好。
Beijing (the PRC central government) has announced a very conservative framework for HK’s ‘universal suffrage’ in the Chief Executive elections in 2017 - no more than three candidates are allowed and they must be approved by more than half of the nominating committee, the composition of which is produced by a ridiculously non-democratic process. This kind of election cannot be called ‘universal suffrage’ but Beijing does call it that (and uses that to fool those blockheads) - what a joke!
However, for non-blockheads like us, it means the REAL universal suffrage that we have been fighting for years will be ‘replaced’ by this fake one, and Beijing can then claim they’ve already given us democracy …..How can this happen?! We are angry and we don’t give a damn about this fake election! Thus we are having this campaign to express our anger towards Beijing, the Hong Kong government and this fake ‘universal suffrage’, with our butts.
So join us and fight for Hong Kong’s Universal Suffrage with our butts! just follow these steps:
1. Write a slogan on your butts (Fake vote? I don’t give a damn!) - Or if that’s too hard to do, use your photo apps to add words to your butt pics
2. Upload it to your instagram and facebook with hashtag #damnfakevote
3. We shall upload your photo to this page regularly - so please ask your friends to like and join!
Let’s say NO to fake vote and show our anger to the autocratic PRC government!