2013年1月28日 星期一







http://my3q.com/survey/459/wcoeo/31343.phtml (中文版)


為了改善香港婦女的處境,婦女團體在80年代已經就著不同的婦女議題而組合連線,引起社會對婦女及性別議題的關注,推動政策倡議和公眾教育的工作。具體包括爭取修訂「新界土地(豁免)條例草案」(1992-93),爭取「全民退休保障」(1993-94)、關注婦女就業權利(1994-95)、女選民培育(1995, 2012)、參與世界婦女大會(1995)、爭取成立婦女事務委員會(1995-96)、制定《婦女政綱》(2012)等。




A questionnaire survey on Hong Kong women’s experience of sexual violence 2013 (Phase 2)
Hong Kong Women’s Coalition on Equal Opportunities
The recent gang rape and murder in India has sent shockwave throughout the world and fierce debate has been provoked concerning the issue of sexual violence. Women's bodies in Hong Kong including the Association for the Advancement of Feminism and the Hong Kong Women’s Coalition on Equal Opportunities have joined the international movement by protesting at the Consulate General of India in early January. The protest urged for adequate and effective government measures to end sexual violence to women.
Victims of sexual violence are not only found in India but throughout the world. In Hong Kong, at least 8 such cases are identified every day. Due to social prejudice against sexual violence and inadequate legal protection, most victims find it difficult to gain access to assistance. The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong have recently presented a consultation paper on 'Rape and Other Non-consensual Sexual Offences'. The paper proposed a newly-defined offence of rape which has been followed for over half a century. The proposal has a far-reaching impact on victims of sexual violence and has brought Hong Kong women's bodies to concern.
The Hong Kong Women’s Coalition on Equal Opportunities is carrying out a questionnaire survey on female victims of sexual violence. The survey aims at collecting useful data on women who are victims of sexual harassment, offence and domestic violence. The data can support future policy planning concerning women's rights protection in Hong Kong. It can also help raising public awareness on sexual violence on women. Finding dissemination will be divided into two phases, the first phase research is released on 21 January and the second scheduled to be held in March.(Both quantitative and qualitative research) Please kindly fill out the questionnaire and invite as many to do so as possible.

Please click the following link to fill out the questionnaire:

Deadline: 31 Jan 2013

Hong Kong Women’s Coalition on Equal Opportunities:
Since the 1980s, women bodies in Hong Kong have been joining hands in raising public concern on women and gender issues, advocating policy change and education, with the ultimate aim of improving the lives of women in Hong Kong. Important milestones include “New Territories Land (Exemption) Ordinance”(1992-93), Universal retirement protection (1993-94)、Women’s rights to work / Rights for working women (1994-95)、Nurturing women voters(1995, 2012), participating World Conference on Women (1995), establishment of Women’s Commission(1995-96), Women platform(2012). The coalition has currently over 10 members and will continue working tirelessly to improve the social status of women and realize gender justice in Hong Kong.